Lots has happen in the past 5 months, and its always easy to start with Art, here are some pieces that have been done, and I guess it could be considered the Spring Collection. These are the new pieces that I can release that describe the journey thus far. I hope you enjoy, Jah Bless and Keep you, May His Face Shine on you, Children, that we may be saved and redeemed.

Acrylic and Indian ink. Original has been sold
This image Itrays when The Almighty formed us from the mud and gave us the Breath of Life. The two tree represent the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life.

Acrylic and Indian ink. Original available for 300. ”Inna Medi”

Acrylic and indian Ink, 36″x18″ 500. for the Original. ” Uplifted “

“The Visions of Youth”
24″x12″ Indian ink and Acrylic. 350.

” The King of Zion ” Oil, 650. Original Available.

” Herbs on the River” Acrylic and Indian ink, 24″ x18″ 250 for the original.

” Simeon Mountains” In Ethiopia. Acrylic and Indian ink. 24″ x18″ 225. for the Original.
- ” The Kings Springs” located in Arbaminch Ethiopia, where H.I.M. Emperor Haile Selassie I would wash. Acrylic and Indian ink, 700. for the Original and it is 24″ x18″ on Canvas.

Northern New Mexico. Indian ink and Acrylic, 4ftx2ft and it has sold. Prints available.

The Queen of Sheba. Acrylic and Indian ink. its huge..and I think someone is getting the original. Prints available.

Ethiopian Grand Canyon landscape. Acrylic and Indian ink. 24″x18″. Not for sale, I like it too much. prints available.

“Jordan Lion ” acrylic and indian ink, sold. Prints available.

“Batahwi” Oil. Prints available. Original Sold.

Priest in Orange in oil. 36″x18″. 900 for the original. Prints available.

“The Scepter Shall not Depart” 48″x24″ Acrylic and Indian ink. 1200 for the original. prints available.
As usual it seems I have a lot of work ahead of I, there is more art that hasn’t been posted and a lot to report. From new projects, Rastafari works, album covers, events and show, murals and more. Thank you for looking at the art, a glory to the Most High who is the force of existence. All Praises due. Rastafari Love. Good over Evil.