Similarities/lessons of the first Christians & Modern Rastafari.

Haile Selassie I Reading1

The movement as we know it titled Rastafari in its early stages of developing has more to offer on the original Christian theology than ones may realize.  The original Christians being the apostles, Christ’s family with his brother James at the head. For the first 60 years Rome didn’t control or have a set doctrine concerning Christ. It was in that time we can compare and contrast Rastafari of today internationally and especially in Ethiopia.

Most can agree that the New Testament that most have read has been heavily influenced by Peter and Paul. One of whom had never met Christ. Let us go to that power struggle and compare and contrast. Their ideas are different from that of James.

Original Doctrine according to the book of James did not include: Virgin Birth, Christ being The Creator, or the Resurrection. These were pushed by Peter, Paul and the Popes of Rome, whom were not chosen by Christ nor were part of his blood linage. The book of James affirms Christ’s message being that of sound wisdom supported by the Torah. It was focused on communion with Judaism not distain. A completion and confirmation and yet a next step. Some could and did compare him with many others, and today ones can find remarkable similarities with Confucius, Buddha, and Krishna.

Present Day: The Rastafari Movement was inspired by the Coronation of Emperor Haile Selassie in 1930 which made ones proclaim H.I.M. as the Messiah and or The Creator. His placement on the Earth geographically, His relationship to all faiths can be seen as a confirming of Abrahamic Based Faiths. and if ones study further, Native American, Ancient Egyptian, East Indian and Buddhist faiths all have teachings that extol The Trinity Black God and King and specifics that mystically remind the viewer of HIM if they know of King Selassie I’s Life. His contribution to the evidence of Scriptural text makes the next step further enlightening.

In both situations there is a confirmation of the prior faith as there is as a competition. That the appearance of both personalities, challenges the set religions which will be at odds with the direction the new faith may take.  As The Conquering Lion of Judah Emperor Haile Selassie I is the confirmation, He is also the completion because in His Truth, as in core of Christ’s message is the end of classism, colonialism and wealth based-self aims for ego glorification and a renewed focused on the ever presence of The Most High within and around, embodied as Love in the act of kindness and consideration as is shown to us by the Father. Sure this paraphrased, still whether we look at the “spiritualism” of a man or the “revolutionary” thought behind a more just and “godly” society, both are the hallmark of a Messiah or Avatar. It is historically evident that Haile Selassie I was a prophet and did tell us the future, and in the literal meaning of the word in Hebrew of prophet he was also a “dissident” which He certainly was as well. He encompassed every level of Divinity while leaving the word still to be explored.

Emperor Haile Selassie I offers a more intense offering, one that is recent, verifiable, massive, public, filmed and photographed. Clearly prophetic and based on the dream of everlasting peace once mankind decides to end classism, racism, bigotry and malicious self interest.  His position is Supreme because He is asking Us, to save the world knowing we are endowed with the Blessings of the Creator, and it is the responsibility of the collective. That this is Wise. His teachings are beyond theology or religion, and yet Rastafari as a ” Faith” continues to lean on precursors for understanding rather than the unlimited approach His Imperial Majesty shows through innovation and creativity. This is a stark difference, because as most pray for The Creator to Save the masses, Rastafari through Haile Selassie I teachings places the Power and Responsibility on Man-Woman-kind, being endowed with the presence and instructions of the Highest Authority, Emperor Haile Selassie I From Zion’s Throne of David and as Ruler of Judah and Israel. Rastafari sights that the presence of His Imperial Majesty is the ” Saving” that the future is in our hands and based on the choices mankind makes to listen to Wisdom and awaken for themselves.

In Contrast, Early Christians, struggled to find acceptance amongst Hebrews because they found though there is importance and relevance in the Torah, a new day had come. One Major difference, similar with Rastafari today, That for Jew and Gentile, that the Faith of Christ is that of fully having faith in the Most High, and in humility and service, Being the Living Word is to know that He will deliver, guide and be pleased with His Creation based on the intentions of his heart, not with burnt offerings, or attendance at festivals. We will not be judged by our clothing but of the fabric of our commitment to The Most High, which includes being willing to be martyred. The Core message being that the Heavens have elected a specific example. This one who was anointed is called the Lamb because he gave his life and would lead the way for Lions. Both the Early Christians as well as Rastafari movement felt that this “Jew/African” teaching foremost was a message directly to them, however, through the clarity of the words of both Christ as well and HIM, it was clear that race, and nationality, doesn’t impede on the importance of Right Governance and Salvation for All including “Gentile/Europeans”.

The Rastafari core message is that His Imperial Majesty is elect of the Heavens, The Almighty in Flesh.  The distinction of the Emperor’s Ideas and actions that made HIM revolutionary to the ways of man, challenging to them to be humble, in service and ready to live eternally with dignity without attachment to ones physical being. His overall concern was not to convert, but to drive out evil concepts from the minds of men as options.  It is a universal message that is based on Mercy, and through His Teachings there is no separations between men and their Creator, no matter what faith they profess. There are distinctions and the overall consensus to describe Our divine relationship is The Power and Virtue of The Trinity and Triune. The Meaning of the Name, : Haile Selassie I.

The Name of Christ as well as the present day doctrine that both East and Western Churches have chosen to adopt, is not Hebrew, and the changing of his name and doctrine, the marginalizing and denial of his brothers inheritance, blaming the jews for his death by those who present the doctrine behind Peter and Paul, who had a lesser understanding than Mary Magdalen and his brother James. The Roman hijacking, is remarkable in blatant anti- African-Semitic theology, translations, and description of names and appearance, and so is insulting to African-Semitic Culture. These traditions passed into Ethiopia where the placement of Ethiopia’s art and artifacts lend to the historical ties and differences. One Example is that Pontus Pilot is a saint, while Jews are looked as the betrayers of Christ. His Imperial Majesty would go against His own ancient law in order to not behave in a way that is clearly swayed by “popular opinion” and that Ethiopia as declared for centuries as Judah, would submit to its King, and know He is the King of Israel.  Please keep in mind that this is before the occupation of Palestine and was based on non-partial justice.

Emperor Haile Selassie I, spoke of how ” Ethiopia has one of the oldest versions of the Bible.” noting that there teachings have a totally different root, but is still just a VERSION. That the actual teachings are understood through discipline and commitment to humanity and to the least of these. In the vastness of African Identity Rastafari has been inspired by HIM to teach the precepts of Equality, Justice, Collective Security, International Morality, Nuclear non proliferation, the end of classism, racism, respect to environment and agriculture, and respect to sovereignty and cultural protection.

One the Spiritual comparison, The relationship between God and Man has been an ancient topic that needed consensus for many societies to work. The Census that the Orthodox Christian Churches on the relationship of Christ and God was that ” His Humanity and Divinity cannot be separated.” and I would suggest neither can ours. This theology is perfectly demonstrated by His Imperial Majesties every action. So much so, it upset many including Jamaica and England when He wouldn’t deny Rastafari claims that He is Our God and King, or when He celebrated “pagan” festivals in Ethiopia with tribesmen. To the constant faith He held in the potential of Humanities Divinity and Divine plan for Peace on Earth. His Hope and Expectation that we can overcome the impossible was steady and sure and based that God is with Us, Here and Now. This is the same as Christ message that the Kingdom of Heaven is Within and that God is Here and Now, as well as Before and After. He made sure to translate both the “Bible” and the Quran in Amharic so the people could read it for themselves. Liken to Christ, HIM came to tell and teach Religions, not to be taught by them. This cannot be overstated, Haile Selassie and Christ both had the authority to reveal through acts the holy books, as well as direct them for their own improvement. Both men were not received in their own lands well, being that the Church and Temples were most concerned about education and not the exploration of a greater moral questions challenging their status quo.

When we look at how the “After-life” has been a teaching and method for control, Both the early Christians as well as Rastafari stand out for stating that God is Love and I am the evidence of The Most High’s Love Here and Now, that Heaven is within. That we do not work for the rewards of Heaven above or fear of a judgment day, for that is vain, we don’t say it won’t happen, we aren’t worried about it. We work for that which is right because its right. Without apology or fear of persecution. Justice and Universal truth, is what makes both the message of Christ and King Selassie both Spiritual and Revolutionary. Some would observe that this is inborn, and some that it is simplistic, they are correct, its common sense to one that is not chained to conformed norms that compromise to injustice. Unfortunately most people are conditioned into being subservient and become fearful standing up for the littlest of infractions let alone for the those who suffer most. Hence why the idea of Love and God are popular, and not having Love being the policy of all actions is when man complicates and dooms himself. True Love and Wisdom do not expire, and are basically the same.

Emperor Haile Selassie I in His Laws and Decades of being on the World stage as an elder statesmen showed the answer to modern problems with ancient and modern loving solutions. That it takes more than HIM, it takes Us, realizing we are One Body. Making Christ’s teachings on global platform is and was a challenge for nations to except their place in a small world.  Fruits bloomed as the United Nations, The Ethiopian World Federation, and the Organization for African Unity which are among a few. The EWF in hope to give representation to the masses of African in the Diaspora, The OAU, In the Dream of Lasting peace by and for Africans, and well as the United Nations which as a vehicle to collective security was created to do what the League of Nations refused to do. Emperor Haile Selassie I burned the League out of existence and collectively birthed a new day and plan and body. Similarly Christ had to rebuke Satan and can be liken to Mussolini offered to bribe The King of Kings who burned out the devil never selling out, setting the standards for future expectations.

Its important to note that the subject is early Christian experience and behaviors that are similar to the modern Rastafari movement, not a comparison of Christ and Haile Selassie I which though may overlap is a totally other subject.

Clear similarities, is that all established places for worship  and veneration are scattered and some-what infant stage, making it so that even an agreed doctrine has not been established. Liken to the early Christians we have both Jews and Christians that call us heretics as well as many locals of Ethiopia, while also having an massive influence on both Jews and Christians within and outside Ethiopia. The Gospel message as spread by Thomas in India, can be liken also to the huge number of African/Native Americans as well as the Caribbean population that have found Ethiopia and Christ in His Kingly Character as there spiritual home and the message being that which supports the fight against spiritual and physical suppression and oppression. Likewise it is not recognized by the majority of Christians who due to a Roman Perspective see anything African as pagan and as the Portuguese could not believe that the Christians as well as Jews had been in India for hundreds of years, still sought to religiously colonize them.  This has happen to the Ethiopian Jews by “project moses” and the subsequent treatment of Ethiopians in present day Israel.  Also, Ethiopian Christians, making outside ideas and perspectives overshadow their own cultural and historical relevance and ties to the Orthodox Church, and to this date have not had the history of Emperor Haile Selassie I and have a distaste and distrust of those who do know The Emperor in the population. Liken to the first Christians, we are looked at with intrigue, and internationally hunted down by those structures that feel threatened. Many governments have been officially told to arrest and kill anyone they suspect of being a Rastafari from Jamaica, Ethiopia, and the United States.  Further discrimination internationally for the use of Herbs that are Biblically and historically important are scapegoats to imprison people in color and specifically  at its inception in Jamaica to arrest Rastafari. It is like telling early Christians that any anointing oil or wine is an excuse to arrest, and maybe kill them.

What are the methods of hijacking and gentrifying currently and what can the Rastafari movement learn from the early Christians to avoid? I would say thus, we have not as a whole been wrapped up in the “super-natural” and that we have desire for truth and realism that can be comprehended. In this tradition, His Imperial Majesties disappearance was not a subject for early followers. Whether there was a body found or not didn’t change who He was, and that we always acknowledge He was a Man. The most curios and unusual circumstances surrounding the last days He was seen and disappearance became more of a subject in the last 17 years after several so-called funerals. Likewise the teachings of Christ were more important than His Resurrection to James and Thomas.

Liken to Roman times of Christ, many who infiltrated the early Christian Movement where basically CIA. We cannot underestimate the desire for those in power to try and identify themselves with the cause though they are enemies. We will see this in Hollywood, with “Shootas” sent to NY by the CIA, we have seen it in JA, with the setting up/ murdering reggae artists. In a more public light ones like “Snoop Lion” as well as many politicians and there wives will try and represent what they do not know.

We are in a time where this is still massive amounts of information that has not been collected about His Imperial Majesty, and in concert with what has been, there are a number of new books that will have to be included as Sacred text for the future Generations of Christians and Rastafari. This collection has yet to have a focused place of translation and ability to share on a massive scale for free. Many have worked on this endeavor and have been the only venues for many to have a selection of the many books that pertain to the Word of HIM Haile Selassie I. Salute to the LOJ Society as well Ras Sakuo of Chicago, Mr. Jim Marshall for giving years of service to this matter. Still we have to be aware of false statements and photos that are credited to the Emperor incorrectly, and separate the wheat from the chaff.

The movement would be wise to also remember that though Haile Selassie I is a Judeo-Christian Emperor, His Teachings are for all. That He was send for Gentile and Jew, Pagan and Muslim, That His Davidic Blood line, is secondary to His Word. That His actions and faith are greater than His amazing birth. It was amazing and important, but like the idea of a monarchy, Haile Selassie I Himself surpasses all the Kings that have ever been. His life is the evidence, not His Death, and even His Faith is larger than that of one denomination.

Where we go from here will be interesting, like Love itself we are going ever where..When it comes to the recognized houses of Rastafari, Our efforts in collaboration and growth are necessary on many subjects. Our destiny is with that of Africa. Our work for Repatriation and building with Africa and Africans will give the room to compare many spiritual concepts and will allow us to have knowledge to choose the Right. Our focus must be on the teachings of His Imperial Majesty, with guidance from Scriptures in order to have the Spiritual Power to make social change. Our Collective responsibility is to all of Creation, and as ambassadors of The Conquering Lion of Judah, we have a duty to where ever it is seen to stand in dissent to injustice. If we do our job properly, like the early Christians, many of us will have to fight and give our life for a cause greater than our happiness. It would also be wise to understand that His Imperial Majesties teachings are a rallying point that can invite ones to learn of why we call HIM the Most High, and similar to Thomas who made the Truth of His Love the message.

As it has been for as long as warriors and the righteous have sacrificed their lives for the collective we have honored and remembered them. This nature of the greatness of any teacher is in the followers ability to cary thru for generations in pursuit of that vision. In more ways than we can state, we follow in a line of priests, hermits, revolutionaries, soldiers, African Warriors, slaves and kings that have given there lives so that we could have the knowledge and legacy that we carry. We are the apostles, dissenters and modern day Nazarites, Our future is in our diligence and remembering The King of Kings is with Us  and Here Forever.




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