Rastafari Reflections: what WE can do.

There is a lot of work to be done, and many have brought some great ideas to the table. In this moment I would like to send out an invitation to collaborate as well as nurture the Rastafari Movement thru art. Rather than goes off about how important art is, let us reflect on how important We are. That we make our own soundtracks, grow our own food and build our homes physically as well as spiritually with the teachings of the King of Kings in Mind.  We have a duty to feed the community, and many artists have been doing this for years. Ras Zacharias, Mike 360, Ras Terms, Natty Rebel, and so many more have brought the Holy Powers of Ethiopia to the streets thru art. Making t-shirts as well as meditations. This is a movement, and it is about Education.

Selassie and Son on bomb

As a Movement we are still very young and each of us has the ability to be there as it unfolds, hand in hand with the restoration and upliftment of our collective history. This is a Mighty African renewal and we are in the process of getting free, in this process many have contributed and shared, fought and bled for Ethiopian/ Human Redemption from all corners of the Earth. Likewise, Ethiopia and Africans have fought and built up people and nations across the Earth. We have shown and keep showing that we can maintain Our culture while respecting the dignity and history of all people. We are rooted un-apologetically in Africa, and Our acceptance and Love of Africa has revealed the Scriptures as well as History in a very different and deep manner. Together, here and now we are deep in the trenches together whether we know it/ like it or not.  As His Imperial Majesty once quoted Benjamin Franklin, “We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”, it is something to realize, “when the rain pours it dont rain on one mans house”…its raining now, and we must hang together, sacrifice and be bold together.


Some simple things we can do is Support Rastafari Elders, ( and Elders period) Take care of the Children and Families that have lost a parent, Help support Orphanages, and get involved with the community. Help Adonijah’s Family in EthiopiaRastafari Elder and Incient Fund, Yahwenta Childrens Center in Shashamene, http://rootspeople.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/englishleaflet.pdfhttp://

In a time where frustration and mis-leaders are lending its hand to division and bigotry,  I pray that we remember that we are the Children of Jah, Mighty and Blessed to be called by His Name and be Made in His Image and Likeness. Be Love and be True. There is plan for us all, and it includes Justice. Go get it, get it for all, and may common sense be the GPS and right governance be and the destination.


Every decision nearly could use a voice of the King, Rastafari as a movement does not like politics, make it more, make it about being a Leader and showing true leadership. We have been pushed aside and discounted for too long, now is the time to step up and speak out. No matter how dire it may look, never forget Africa, and work unceasingly to finish the last lap so that we can actually emerge free and strong. Be bigger than opposition could ever be, Show them The Fatherly and Motherly Powers of Jah. In the Name of The Trinity. Haile Selassie I. One Jah.




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