The life of an artist is beyond fun or happy, it is a quest for passions grip and the balance of tangible and intangible. We are creating nothing and yet able to give glimpses of ideas and visions about anything. It is one that is a lifestyle and also a journey of truth. Being real, understanding that what We as artists try to express is our deepest inspirations not visual illusions. How that is understood, in large part is up to the artist to craft skills in story telling through images and colors with purpose.
It is long over due, and yet right on time..The expansion has begun. I will be uploading and sharing more art, as well as reasonings on what is the mission of the paintings, and joyful prayers on canvases. The amount of art that I have is getting organized, cleaned up and will be more available than ever. For right now, on the Shop section, you will see “Prints”. I will be uploading new color and black and white prints, as well as feature new original work for sale. We have lots of projects for the future that will help others economically as well as get the Mighty Message of Rastafari through paintings and culture to wider audiences. For right now this is the start. More art, more readily available. These are some of the new pieces uploaded and ready to ship. Jah Bless. More Works to do.

“Love” Ras Elijah Tafari and Empress Laura Tafari

RasElijahTafari. “Sun, Moon and Stars”

“The Conquering Lion of Judah Prevails”

Judgement Day Precession

HIM Haile Selassie I “Jah Umbrella”

2018 Version KHSMIC LION


There is more information on the SHOP button on the top right, about meanings and mediums. It also allows you to pick out the size of print you want and order right away. Check out Color and Black and White Prints, for new paintings, and mediations. Thank you for supporting INI, and Rastafari African Culture through Art. Lots more to manifest. Jah Bless, Heart of Love.
Ras Elijah Tafari.