Akae Beka BlessEd Celebration 2019 Oregon

BlessEd Celebration. Akae Beka and more in Oregon! 2019!

Akae Beka BlessEd Celebration 2019 Oregon

This will be a special celebration in Oregon this Sept. 14th, presented by Roots Family Productions. This celebration has a host of talented artists included such as Indubious which is a group well worth checking out if you don’t know who they are. Alcyon Massive, a powerful crew along with music from Free Creatures.  Akae Beka will be headlining the night, in a lovely outdoor gathering. Jah willing InI will also be there sharing art.

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Veganism isn’t the most you can do its the least you can do.

Veganism isn’t the most you can do its the least you can do. It is moral base line, like don’t torture creatures. If people did the bare minimum, the world would be different. Its simply arrogance to think we are better than other creatures, taught to us by doctrines that teach us poorly about what in means to be human and being here to take care of the planet. We over feed animals, while we let humans suffer and die of starvation. When people think Vegans care more about animals that humans, think about how animal agriculture is the leading cause of environmental destruction, thAniat the addiction to their tastebuds is placed at the cost of killing the oceans, air and land. Cruelty is a stain on our species that claim they are civilized. Humanities consumes fear, pain and suffering, without a need, and act in ways I doubt any cave men behaved. Cave men never confined pigs in a crate and pump them full drugs. People can grasp the importance of making car emissions lower, but can’t see own up to the own destructive emissions. When people want to say vegans are forcing their ideas, let me correct that as well. We aren’t forcing anything, meat eaters force their knives into innocent creatures throats, simply to have an unhealthy snack. Meat eaters want ethical treatment from others, yet don’t realize that what the meat industry does is worse than what most presidents could ever do. Its the elephant in the room, and if people had to treat the food they eat as the people they pay others too, they couldn’t look them selves in the mirror. When I hear responses that defend something abhorrent it simply is sad. Because they will continue to support killing and torturing animals while complaining someone was rude in traffic. I have no idea how someone could support female rights and feminism and not be vegan, female animals are raped and have their babies taken away so feminists drink milkshakes. For those who defend small farms, an prefer local murder, there is no humane way to murder, like there is no humane to steal, there is no human way to rape. There is no such thing as a humane holocaust. There is nothing ethical about killing a happy cows or miserable cows. There is no right way to the wrong thing. If your happy that doesn’t give someone an excuse to kill you..!    Thank you to the Ruebonic Plague for helping prepare this commentary.”

The way that Africans were sold on the block as stock in New York as the original stock market, dehumanized all people, this is like how the killing of animals became a massive industry that is destroying us all, people and animals. Now compare that to the Military industrial complex, that took war and made it their profession, monopolizing it, killing the World and people and animals, that also is threatening us all. What injustices were done in the past, methods to weapons of war, has been exploited to the point of chattel slavey for the masses, animals and humans. We want to say we are better than animals when it is humans that have caused every problem on Earth, while animals have caused none. We have face the fact that our destructive ideology is taught, that as children we are desensitized to violence to both people, animals and the Earth. Like the ideology that is hidden, are the 150 billion animals that are slaughtered a year, and the mind state that has been conditioned to say we love animals while hurting them. This is a form a dementia. To consider milk a part of the human food group is as absurd as to think human milk should be part of a panda’s food group..rat milks is for baby rats, dogs milks is for baby dogs…cats milk is for baby cats.. and they want to tell me cows milk is for humans..wtf.. its for baby cows. humans are the only species that drinks milk after infancy, it is abnormal and infantile, let alone to drink another species milk.How is it normal to drink the breast milk of a beaten, battered, mutilated drugged animal? It would be more natural to put human milk into your coffee than an animals, which would be more humane than taking an animals milk without consent, however most people would find that gross. hmm..insane. Why is normal for nations to continue to profit off exploiting the poor and helpless? How can we harm those who are less powerful than us, and complain when it happens it to us?…People defend might is right when it comes to eating animals, however we don’t defend might is right when it comes to humans. Are we as people turning our stomachs and the planet into a cemetery, festering in the secretions of the piling of bodies on top of bodies needlessly? For those who are vegetarians, that isn’t enough, you are consuming blood in you milk and cheese as well as a lot of puss…if you really want the honest truth, graphic as it is, I challenge you to sit thru the 5 min video called ” Dairy is Scary ” by Erin Janus on YouTube if you want that red pill and leave this matrix of propaganda and break away from supporting meat and dairy industries, which are one and same. If you understand that you should think for yourself, and not just listen to what your parents say, then apply that to your food. Don’t just eat it because your mommy and daddy told you too, think for yourself so you don’t pass down the same destructive tendencies. Like Akae Beka says, ” don’t say the word “Love” until you know Love. “.. Don’t just tell me Peace, live it.

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President Mohammed Morsi: The Caged Bird’s Last Song.

Many of us around the Word, feel a great loss at the passing of  the only democratically elected President Egypt, Mohammed Morsi . He had been imprisoned for 6 years after the Military Coup by General Sisi and American convert help. Because President Mori’s party was that of the Muslim Brotherhood the World said nothing as the Egyptians went into an authoritarian brutal regime under now President El Sisi. Massive numbers of Egyptians were arrested and sentenced to death, journalists are still being tortured, political prisoners  incarcerated. The world for the most part, stayed silent. President Morsi would spend most the time in solitude confinement denied of medicine and lawyers. He saw his family twice in that period. He suffered from Diabetes and the Egyptian Government let he suffer slowly and die so they didn’t have to deal with the way executing him would look internationally. The court was told on many occasions he was very sick, and at one point gone into a diabetic comma.

When We saw President Morsi die in court in a glass box it reflected how we as Egyptians feel about the Arab Spring and the sacrifices made. That it was all in vain, for nothing, we had failed. We lay dead, ignored and tortured and betrayed. That we were are worse off now than before under Mubarak, and our dreams have been crushed. No one came to help the former president, because he was too Muslim.. the shame sit on our shoulders today.  The U.N. is calling for a proper investigation to his death, though it unlikely it will be respected. President Morsi was buried quickly without funeral or respecting the request of his family.

If it wasn’t for his last words I would feel that we are a crushed people. A people held down for over 2000 years because our resources and location are more important than the children of the Nile.  “My country, even if it fought me, is dear to me. My people, even if they resented me, are honorable.”
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He thinks we are Honorable, it is a heavy thought. I don’t know, I hope we will be, because we weren’t to him. He loves us and holds us dear, even if we fought him..We had one year, in the last 2600 years of a leader elected by the people. And we know which countries openly feared the Arab Spring then, and now are holding down the Democratic resistance and Professional peaceful protests in Sudan. Instead of just Saudi Arabia and the U.A. , we have Egypt encouraging the military to shoot the protesters as they do in their own countries.. Todays dream is in Sudan, they have removed their president of 30 years and are trying to create a government in the face of Military oppression. They are mindful not to repeat our mistakes as Egyptians.  Our dream is a nightmare, because simply daring to dream can cost our life, and a that which is the honor within, knows that injustice can never be honorable. His Last song killed me softly. President Morsi, You will be remember as a man that tried and failed and never gave up. That though betrayed, never stoped loving his country and people. He was the only real President we ever had. He was tortured and was murdered in front of us all. In a country where humanity owes so much, we await the basics of human rights and self determination.  My prayers for freedom will never cease for my beloved Misr, the country of my birth, called Egypt.  May Mohammed Morsi be Blessed with Our Creator in the Here After. May Jah Bless your Soul.


Judgement Day Precession

The Clash of Religious Overtones and Human Rights Expansion.

This subject is one of the most complex and important reasonings to date because it is so encompassing. It is an issue that has existed for thousands of years in the forms of religious dogma and eventually into a quasi racist text that we call presently the King James Bible. This amazing book has moved mountains and been a strength to many, inspiring and challenging people, it also has crushed nations and peoples in crusades and through colonial conquest.

Each persons relationship with The Scriptures, Torah or the Quran is individual based on their experience in the communities and churches respectively as well as history with one another. Faith is deeply personal and sometimes the very articulation can demean the actual essence and soul of the person. Even a poet can only hope that the truth he or she wants to convey is understood. Within this context, I hope to expand on the dilemma of pursuing truth and the dangers of being narrow-minded.

It is almost human nature to presume and fill in spaces that are not understood with what one would imagine. I am certainly aware that I do this. The Eyes do it, because it can often fill in the picture with what the brain expects is present. With that said, when reading or listening,  we also hear and read what we think is being said, and the truth often isn’t understood or meditated on to actually fully appreciate it. When the teachings are in codes and parables only the learned get it. Depending on where we are in our life some times there just hasn’t been the preparation and initiation for ones to understand a doctrine.  When it comes to Holy Books, I like what my Wife said, that these books are the beginning, the foundation. They are not the end all or finale word, our own Right ( and wrong) Judgements are that, our choices. Right Judgement is what is lacking because ones have a very hard time determining absolute right often. Especially when it comes to non violence and how to reach for a more Just society.

Hon. Malcolm X and Rev. Martian Luther King had very different ideas concerning Non violence, and both have valid reasonings. Both would argue however that each other where at stark contrast and a threat to the future and security to Africans in the United States. Hon. Malcolm X would remark to CBC in 1965 that the issue is about Human Rights. That it was useless to look for justice of African repression, including the for recompense from the oppressor who had little interest or skills in resolving any racial issue ever. That the issue of the treatment and the enslavement and hundreds of years of injustice of Africans is an issue for the United Nations. Rev. Martian Luther King would look to Washington D.C. and felt that the African condition in the USA was a civil right issue and not a human rights issue. Both men known for their faith, reasoning on these topics without saying the Quran says or the Bible says… they had the issue of Rights in mind and that was where their faith had lead them to. Their difference was more than political, it was about liberation strategy and it certainly wasn’t faith based.  It would have looked ridiculous to see these leaders arguing about who wrote the Bible or the merits of Islam when the importance and need for Freedom transcends from the words of books to the actions of grown men. I offer this as an intro why We as Humanity need to stay focused on why we need to be free from anything that distracting us from the progress of people as a whole.

I will be candid in my feelings simply because at this point in InI journey I would rather be understood a little than grouped and characterized by an alarming rate of conservative extremists that use religion to push for a fascist political ideology. It seems that the trend in Religions across the world is to use their leaders to convince the patrons to adhere to a separatist thought pattern that would work in the interest of a nationalist government. Meaning that those who are seen as being the most religious seem to also be the supporters of rightwing ideas across the spectrum and world. This was set up, and is part of classisms that allowed hierarchies to develop based on local and church participation. Ironically the many holy men of their faiths are ones who were persecuted by a separatist nationalists that didn’t what equality and classes…and this is the issue…where do they get it from…why isn’t the hypocrisy evident to them and what was the agenda behind the why…

Have you ever heard the saying they have to mix the truth and lies together so you will believe it.. it something clearly looks like a con, people are not going for it, it’s the nature of deception. Without trying to offend people, I will follow with the Bible isn’t the Word of God, the Word of God is in the “Bible”. I personally have found the Word of God in many Holy Books, and I know the Word of God, only because I know God. The subject of does one have to know a Holy Book to know God hits on it exactly. Because the way members of most faiths are taught those who are indigenous or do not know their book (or can read) need saving and do not know God. This idea is at the heart of the racism of what makes Us as Africans so offended when it comes to the Bible and the Quran when ones assume we do not know God because we do not adhere to a book. Let me speak personally some more,..I knew God before I studied the Bible or knew Emperor Haile Selassie I. I talked to God about Haile Selassie I, that is why I choose Rastafari as a path. I did not do it because the Bible told me so, and I do not make my mind up solely on what Emperor Haile Selassie I did and says. Some Ras would say, ” what! why~?” answer..because first, I must mediate for myself and judge righteously. Second, if He wasn’t talking or instructing InI then it wasn’t for I.. Third, discerning when He is doing what He needs to do.. I note carefully when H.I.M. is talking to the entire for that is for Us.  We have positions and roles, and I have to recognize them and choose them for myself as we all do. When people around us answer for their actions with the Bible, this is an offering of a parable that may be overused and confused. While this is happening the Roman doctrine is pushed that has at its heart religious condemnation and mis use the Word.  Whether it be Yeshua (Jesus), Mohammed or Moses, Religions in their name allow and promote in the Name of God and their prophets, land grabbing and forced conversion at the end of a sword. In all 3 of these doctrines is Rome and their desire to have an influence in its message. The disagreements of these doctrines are seen in the Orthodox Church in regard to the Council of Nice for Christians. Different sects of Jews and Muslims with very different interpretations of how they should live and what they believe echo the same importance of discriminating themselves from others. Each language has its own hidden meanings and the translations become more suspect the more it strays from its source. Learning about words doesn’t mean the ones around us understand the same meaning, and the more the translations increase the more we are lost in translations. If we do not know within our selves what we know, this quest of scriptural affirmation is useless.

I am not here to question’s others faith,  and most of the time I couldn’t care less. I care about what I see that we can achieve from working together for the benefit of the whole. When I see Good, and Love, I see God. When I see religions that have a common goal to oppress and label others in the name of faith I see evil. When it comes to the African importance and contribution to the Holy Books of the World it is deeply disturbing to note that all of them don’t want the African and Afro-Asians to be aware of their collective gift to Spiritual thought period. The Western Churches all dismiss Egypt as a land of idols and captivity, this to promote an anti African/ Native Sentiment. The discouragement of people in many nations not to know or celebrate their culture and history is in that same view.  It also is evident throughout the Old Testament seen in the treatment and perception of Ethiopian Women. ( Zipporah, Bet Sheba, Queen Mekeda) and to the doubting of Moses from the beginning of his trod with the Israelites. These tales would enlighten and darken our perspective and awareness of it affects years later, and that would breed a hybrid faith of KKK like Christians that hate everyone but “white” people…I am going to leave it there because I want us to look deep into ourselves rather than the errors of the past and try and figure out who was wrong and right. We all are, and that was at the Heart of what Christ taught as well. Repent means to Change..simple..what will we change..because thats the issue.

When it comes to Human Rights we must be vigilant not to allow giant corporations that are Churches and lobbyist for Gulf nations and Israel to sway what is Right and Morally Just. When we allow nations to destroy each other based on government systems, or religious ideology we only allow more to occur. What is happening in Kashmir as well as to Yemen and Qatar is only due to religious leaders who do not care about the average person who lives there. That they want to control the narrative told in the region by the people of the region. Likewise in Palestine. What I offer is that in these books of wisdom, also contain the same lies, of redefining borders, changing local names, and rebranding the history in the favor of the powerful. Often we don’t realize that we are pushing these doctrines in ignorance, or in loyalty to our clan. What we need to ask ourselves is, if its not right are we willing to change it. Do we believe we can change it? Because those who don’t will be quick to say its in God’s hands so they don’t have to take action. Human rights suffer while we allow others to steal and murder in the name of religion. The reason the hypocrisy hasn’t been confronted from within adequately is because lying , manipulation and thieving is manner in which capitalism and wealth is acquired historically.  To be truthful means that accountability will be addressed and that threatens the very existence of more than just religions, but many nations across the World especially the rich and well armed.
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I don’t know how long it has been like this,  perhaps it’s the times today, it seems that with information being so rapidly dispersed ones seem more disconnected and dismissive. It seems the Truth is too much to care about, and with all the distractions that ones see, they feel they don’t need to research anything deeply. Dare I say, US education is not the best at being honest about their Wars or World History. With that, it seems that while we  have the avenues to learn, at every opportunity there is something slowing the process so that the wrongs and rights can’t be objectively thought about and reasoned on. Most countries of the world are no different sadly and the religious evangelical ideology that is US in construct is affecting the politics of various South American and African countries making it harder to embrace their collective identity whole heartedly. Saudi Arabia and the Vatican continue to try to influence politics in order to promote their brand of their faiths while not encouraging social reforms. Of course there are exceptions, however they are the exception and far from the majority. The agenda is to use religions to disconnect us from government and our neighbors.  I believe Government is necessary and the people desire to interact and be properly represented is crucial. The importance of being good neighbors is interlinked with having good communication, the foundation for building.

When approaching the subject of how to make global changes, having a view point that armageddon is welcomed is defeatist. I have heard the many versions of how Babylon the Great must fall, and I get it..however the way of interpreting it is a privilege I enjoy. In my humble opinion, clarity is needed for confusion too dissipate. Babylon is a confused state, and that is the very topic that is being addressed. Clarity is when we do the best we can with what we have together and put aside theology and to embrace a State, Country and World for All. For those who do not believe in a Greco-Roman Judaic Christian God, I think Clarity could replace the title God and have a translation that is universal. We must care to see clearly without bias, knowing that this is something we are striving for and have not and perhaps never will attain. Therefore we must know how to deal with the challenge of narrow-minded perspectives being both sensitive and focused on the progress for human rights above all other agendas, ever watchful of ourselves knowing errors are human.

Wikipedia cites not just the Confucius with spreading the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, it states”  The idea dates at least to the early Confucian times (551–479 BC) according to Rushworth Kidder, who identifies that this concept appears prominently in BuddhismChristianityHinduismJudaismTaoism,  Zoroastrianism, and “the rest of the world’s major religions”.[3] The concept of the Rule is codified in the Code of Hammurabi stele and tablets, 1754-1790 BC. 143 leaders encompassing the world’s major faiths endorsed the Golden Rule as part of the 1993 “Declaration Toward a Global Ethic”, including the Baha’i Faith, Brahmanism, Brahma Kumaris, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Indigenous, Interfaith, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Native American, Neo-Pagan, Sikhism, Taoism, Theosophist, Unitarian Universalist and Zoroastrian.[4][5] According to Greg M. Epstein, “?’do unto others’ … is a concept that essentially no religion misses entirely”, but belief in God is not necessary to endorse it.[6] Simon Blackburn also states that the Golden Rule can be “found in some form in almost every ethical tradition”.[7]

This Golden Rule is what we see Christians promote as well as so many others and is a way of understanding universal law that paraphrases so many other laws that often cloud the intention of seeing others equally as one’s self. It is part of a rebuke and enlightened state from the previous law of Leviticus ” eye of and eye and tooth from a tooth.”  This Law is actually Babylonian and inserted as part of the indoctrinated Jews that brought Babylonian laws into their ideology. It was rebuked and replaced because the punishment in many cases did not fit the crime, the ways of punishment were being challenged. They still are and should be because the systems of accountability are stuck in a old time religion state. Whether we look at the individual nations and their justice system of go to the international political implications of sanctions or controlling movement, we also have to ask whether this is hurting innocent people in the name of justice and accountability. If the conclusion is yes, then it would be logical to look at how to address nations and people in a manner that the solution to conflicts do not include being perpetrators of additional crimes. This basis of thinking can be found in multiple states and countries where the death penalty is illegal even though often the population may be majority for capital punishment. Many leaders have realized something that is the beginning of a global cry, that as His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I put it, ” Faith is personal, the State is for All.” This ideology makes it where it goes beyond majority rules, or mob rule, it is un-democratic because it is All inclusive. It is an understanding that We have a duty to All and must strive for All without the mood of the times swaying which way justice may be given and how. The fight against capital punishment is a microcosm of the solutions needed globally that will be against popular opinion and fought against an aggressive promoter of human right violations. To expect it and prepare for it is to also be ready for what the World Needs not wants when it comes to Climate Justice and end to an international military industrial complex. Therefore conscious forms of alternatives to traditional methods of confrontation needs to be explored for reforms today. Like the US justice system, how to reform the United Nations will make a huge difference in the actualization of the mission for peace, rather than adding insults to injury, and more injuries. We would have to go from a hypothetical Golden Rule  ”what would I have be done to oneself” to what is the rationale and methods that works to correct one self. Part of the solution is to study seriously the appropriate methods to interject and protest with a set goal of solving set problem.  How to achieve it without consensus and how to make room for alternatives rather than being put, or putting other into a polarized position.

I hope this was helpful in understanding the history of religious agendas and laws, and how the agendas align and are used politically, to create divides and gives ones rights over others that are not right and all. At the end of the day, understanding that the need for Universal Law has been answered and not in a vague manner. Like the Ten Commandments we have to expect laws will be broken and challenged. How we deal with it will reflect whether we hold the virtue of being Godly or good people. This is includes the right to a fair trail and to be defended, and not face torture or death as the result of the judgement. Our ideas of punishment need serious reformation  because they do not rehabilitate or embrace the Human Rights. This starts with building compassion and care for those that we consider the least, and looking at the problems presently and realize the modern solutions.  As we consider the power of change and renewal, let us all try and change and renew our minds to embrace the potential of collective enlightenment.

This may be a Chapter in the book I am writing, because it is the starting point of accepting we must separate Church from State, while being the Church in a State of Collective Security. The book is called, ” Man’s Last Hope. How to Reform the United Nations.”

Jah Bless You and thank you for reading, any comments or thoughts are welcome. I would like thank all the great leaders and teachers that helped InI learn and listen.  As it is was in the beginning so it is now and forever. Truth and Love Alone will save the day. Rastafari.  One Jah.


The Rastafari Movement’s Global Powers and Advances.

Had a good reasoning with a Swiss Ras yesterday and it opened up the subject of how diverse and varied we are due to the influences of where we live and how the revelation of Rastafari reached us. In the case of Ghana, South Africa and Kenya, the movement has a different luster and has its own unique views of the Emperor that reflect years of local development so that there is a cohesive element that embraces their inborn African development. From New Zealand to New Mexico, the Indigenous First Nations have a strong love and attraction to Rastafari, the devotion to the cause has helped countless families and tribes find the importance of resisting colonialism and to look to HIM in a way that His Words guide and rise up the Nations to care more for the environment and the dignity they must carry in order to have a sustainable future.
We have Ras in Italy that have been organized for decades am have contributed internationally to encourage education and understanding of Ethiopic Studies and His Imperial Majesties importance in the Christian Faith. We have Ras from Japan and Germany that have used the music to inspire and unify the Nation, in a very unique way. Of course the Ras of the Caribbean have carried the torch and lit the movement with a fire of Biblical reasonings and Jamaican culture has merged with the movement in so many ways it is hard to not see West Indian influence in the movement everywhere. Because of the massive number of witness out of JA and St. Croix, St. Lucia, Antigua, Barbados. Rastafari and the Islands have been interwoven in the minds of the general masses. Rastafari is a movement where we can see how some communities prosper and have a cultural understanding of unity and togetherness. Sometimes we see the opposite when it comes to how we handle situations and that can be regional more than based on the actual issue at hand. The Ras in Chile have shown an excellent representation of humility and devotion and that has brought an awareness world wide of togetherness. We have seen entire islands and countries choose Rastafari officially to be representative of their ideals, such as Malawi and Antigua and St Thomas. Our development is beyond a phenomena and is still very alive.
The Rastafari moment on the East Coast has been strong for decades, New York continues to be a stronghold as well as Florida and North Carolina, all of which have influenced and uplifted the whole. All these Ones are different, have different approaches and callings, some of which may be controversial, California has become the Reggae capital and yet it is important to hail the Ras that remember that Rastafari is a spiritual trod, not a money making venture. We have seen how millions of dollars can be made by sharing the music and it is a duty to remember music is prayer and should be honored as a gift to offer praise. The Rastafari movement in the UK is one I would love study, thank you for being strong and protecting the Fairfield House.
Finally the Rastafari Movement in Ethiopia, the center of it all. This is where many of us will meet, and realize how diverse we are, how much we have to build on, and what we never knew is helping or holding us down. Ethiopia, is a place of purpose and potential, everything is in your face and unlike most places, everyone has heard the name of the King of Kings, ( how much they know or what they think is a whole other topic) it is evident that to start from Ethiopia in a offering of the soul, is the Holiest of Holiest. Ethiopia will bring to life the importance of what happens when we do or do not listen to the Emperor. To Understand that classism is the enemy, and Our God and King, Loved Us All without Partiality.
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I haven’t spoken about race because in this article, because in each location there are varied backgrounds and languages, so many that it cannot be simply generalized, we are a collective. We are everywhere, even in Canada! Every Color working for the King in our own unique way. It brings a great joy and also awareness, that we should see our Iverse Backgrounds, as a strength, and tool. Our lack of knowing should increase our desire to know. I am proud to be part of this trod, and I pray that we can come close as children of His Imperial Majesty to Honor our King and Queen’s Vision and work to Achieve that peace world wide. I pray we see and learn from each other and realize that we are our nations greatest resource.
From the High Deserts of New Mexico I salute you all, and pray the Almighty Creator Protect and Guide Us to Do His Work. Keep Building together. Hail Rastafari. In His Perfect Name, Negus Nagast, Qedamawai Haile Selassie I.

" Walking to the Light." By Ras Elijah Tafari

When governments blind the people.Every religion gets manipulated

Greetings in the Name of His Imperial Majestic. Emperor Haile Selassie I, and Empress Asfaw Mennen. Give thanks for The Royal Supreme Balance of Jah in Man and  Woman.  Give thanks for the Gift of Life and the Blessed abilities to share in this journey. Rastafari.

I would like to start this by expresses consciously the deep impact that global issues have on and in InI lives. Often as Rastafari we are silent when tragedy hits because of the spiritual realms that are significant and usually not spoken of. Realms of polarities, and expected extremes that ones seem not comprehend as being products of a toxic environment.

One of those tragedies are the two plane crashes in Indonesia and Ethiopia. Both are important being they were preventable and due to lack of safety concern from Boeing. Many of us have traveled on Ethiopian Airlines and know it is not just an airline. It is the first Airline in Africa, the biggest, and started by His Imperial Majesty as a method to connect each other to ourselves for unity and  pride. Many amazing people where on board that flight, and we as Rastafari know that it could have been us . This is a reminder why safety regulations whether there are government shut downs or not,  should be strictly enforced for the sake of our lives and technological progress.

Next is the mass murder of Muslims in ChristChurch New Zealand, which Christians around the World should see as a collective attack.  The reason it is a collective attack is because the murdering of innocent men women and children is the opposite of what Christ taught. That murder, war and genocide are colonial methods of ridding the land of poor people who are of a different thought pattern than the desires of an occupier. Muslims are people, who have the right to believe what they want anywhere. I firmly know that the Teachings of Christ, from all True people of God is that Peace can be attained through dialogue and understanding. Fears about Muslims and refugees can be relieved when ones learn the facts about the times and reasons there is so much movement due to displacement. It would be wise for Europe to look at how Portugal approaches refugees and see that good people make a country stronger, no matter where they are from. These disgusting acts of violence made many of us throughout the world sick, the desire to show this slaughter live on net, and show no remorse, is a grim reminder of the danger of fear mongering movies, media, and leaders have on the masses. We should call out and reason with any one who has a desire to imply that Muslims or refuges should be seen as a threat.

In a World with 7 Billion people in it, ones will find those who profess a religion and use their faith as a way to make allowance for a medieval mind state. I will call out 5 of them now, so that it can be seen that this is not an exclusive issue.

1. The Vatican, it is good to see both US states as well as European countries start to lock up pedophile priests. It took far too long, and the protection of the crimes of the Catholic Church is still a global issue. Everyone should have the same law apply equally and non partially.

2. Israel, has been presented with the first of many documents that allege that the Israeli Government has been using snipers to shoot at handicapped and disabled people, medical personnel and journalists. These actions are classified as crimes against humanity. They have no response other than to insult the UN Human Rights Watch. The current leader of Israel,  Benjamin Netanyahu has been indicated on two counts including corruption. It doesn’t matter if your Jewish or not, he is a criminal and should be arrested and tried for war crimes, as well the government held to the same international laws and expectations, that are written in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

3. Saudi Arabia, is a grotesque kingdom of oppression. The Saudi government has been complicit with a number of conflicts including Yemen where their ability to be held accountable for anything not happening. They are elitism plain and simple. The classism within with the structure of the country makes it so there are is only the law of the prince or king as they decide at the time. We have seen lie after lie from Saudi Arabia concerning the murder of the Jamal Khashoggi. Saudi Arabia also works closely with the 2 above mentioned in the selling of weapons. Regardless of the faith they profess they need to be held to the expectations of a world that desires peace and accountability, not the public murders of men women and children.

4. India’s Far Right government is using Hinduism to create a political conservative government that can use religion to breed intolerance. Human Rights violations are regular, the aggressive approach the government takes towards Muslims and Pakistan is a threat to a possible great cooperation in and out of the country. Both Muslims and women in India are murdered without any accountability due to a corrupt system. India is also a very racist and elitist country due to historical religious antidotes. People have been using Hinduisim for centuries to create discord, and it is still the excuse for thousands of human right violations.
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5. Mayanmar, a Buddhist nation is one of best examples of using genocide and murder to acquire land by leaving the Rohingya people stateless and devastated. The U.N. has called it the group, the most persecuted minority in the world. Once again, a leader using religious theology to encourage persecution without accountability.

Notable mention: China, a communist government that feels threatened by religion in general. Also using the ideas of the current Chairman, as well as previous leaders that groups such as the Uighur (pronounced  Weegers )  have been put in prison camps where they are de-programmed or occupied in out air prison communities. They are Muslim and are heavily persecuted.

The reason I am writing this is to demonstrate that every major religion is being used to propel a colonial agenda to seize land and resources. That we shouldn’t believe the hype, that this isn’t about religion. Even the Chinese government that dislikes religion does it in the name of disliking religion. When we look at people and judge them based on their faith we play into the realms of persuasion without evidence. It is older the Scriptures and the strategy and diversion still works. If we are going to make the world a safer and more peaceful place, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights needs to be protected and enforced. It is up to Us to make that happen.

This has been a grim month when it comes to how many innocents have paid the ultimate cost. Through out the world, Our meditations of how to make the world better is the only honor and respect we can show that can be useful to their sacrifice. May Jah Bless their souls and families.


May Jah Bless you, and Keep you. May His Face Shine on you, Peace be with you.

Ras Elijah Tafari

Emperor Haile Selassie I and Empress Asfaw Mennen.

Emperor Haile Selassie I and Empress Asfaw Mennen.


New Reggae Music, shows and projects inna New Mexico.

I pray everyone is doing great, Jah Knows it can be hard in Winter and we have to get up the good vibes and meditations. There is so much to reason on and I figure a general update is in order. First, Haile Selassie I is still the reason for life, and as I venture on a journey of study it becomes more evident why Haile Selassie I represents the legacy of unity and the future of unity. I have started to write a book tackling many hard topics, and specifically inspired by the Emperor in an attempt to look at His Imperial Majesties objectives for the United Nations and what can we learn about how the U.N. works and what grass roots organizations can do collectively to create reforms and oversight. One of thing that is clear, that the vestiges of colonization in the U.N. is an internal battle that we should understand. As much as the vestiges of slavery are evident in the United States Government and voting and is a excellent parallel that is worth exploring. Ironically I don’t see a need for artwork in this book..Look forward to sharing more as it comes along.

The New CD is coming along with Brother Diles of Visceral View and we just completed a music video with “Editz” on the camera. The Music Video is titled “21 Gun Salute” and Features Hakim Be. and Ras Illy, and will premier on Green Chile in the Air Mix coming out soon from Central Root Studio. Mr. Kali, reggae artist from New Mexico, has a great album releasing Saturday, titled “Hungry”and InI am very honored to be featured on that album with Dre-Z on a tune titled, ” True Wealth ” There will be a CD release show for both Sgt. Remo as well as Mr. Kali this Saturday, Jan. 19th at the Boxcar in Santa Fe. I will be there sharing art and appearing for the debut of the new song.

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This album just got dropped, check it out on iTunes ect…

and don’t forget ” 21 Gun Salute.” coming soon..


Next post I will share some new art. Give thanks for the music as a tool for progressing the minds body and souls of the people. Rastafari Lives.

" Be Strong."



Before Auto tune, Before dancing singers there was ROOTS REGGAE, Before there was Hip Hop, before there was Reggae there was Nyabinghi. Nyabinghi and the sound of the Heart is imperative in understanding Roots Reggae and the prophetical experience that has been part of an Oral legacy handed down by Major Prophets like Isaiah and Jeremiah,  and Iyesus the Christ. When speaking of Akae Beka, and previously as Midnite, in his own words, ” Isiah wasn’t an entertainer.” When looking at the difference of musicians rarely will you find one that is a voice in the wilderness that cries both warnings and insights into the realms of Jah.

Some will call his “fans” cult followers due to our love and honor of the man, Vaughn Benjamin. If Cult is short for Culture, I have no problem with that. His change of name to Akae Beka will inspire thousands to read the book of Enoch and think about the meanings and messages. He music demands ones read in order to be educated, both religious works as well as secular and to choose the right. He brings to attention the call to be ONE and unchanging in our oath to the Creator. Few reach the heights he calls us to look at in reference to who we are and can be. His coming to New Mexico is a momentous occasion and one that will bring together the Children of the King and Queen of Kings. I my short life, I have never have I seen the magnetic pull and words to bring a sound of truth so liberating that I have to be there..It is beyond a joy, his words bring peace and inspiration to that which makes I create. If my art had a sound track it would be his poetry. I and many rank him as the greatest poet that has ever lived, and though it may take refinement, when ones actually hear what he is saying no one uses words more carefully and eloquently. We get entangled into the sound of sharp and healing tones and often miss the sober and serious recognitions of the time and call he brings. The show in Taos Sunday, Dec. 16th will be historic in our common bond that Emperor Haile Selassie I has been placed in our lives to be a beacon and light, a personal call from Himself and from the four corners of the Earth.  One that many have submitted to, and to be in the presence of those, is to be in the presence of Greatness. It is those who are humble enough to sit and know that on the streets, we know who is for us, we have allies, through Jah, Akae Beka across the Earth has been there in the sticks. In New Mexico, 9 Albums have been made for Midnite to Akae Beka. It is through the hard work of so many that it all comes together. Big Up and thank you to everyone who has helped and nurtured good relations. Thank Roots and Wire, Jerry and company, FifthSon Records, and Dre-Z Melodi and company ( you know who you are!).   It is Our honor to Salute the whole Crew and each other in acknowledgment that Jah is with us, let us do His work.  Haile I, Selassie I, Jah Rastafari.

Here are a few pieces that done in honor of the Emperor, Our Jah and King, and those who are singers and players of instruments of Zion. All I Springs are in thee.

In Awe.

In Awe.

Inside album cover for Midnite and Fifthson Records, "Standing Ground" by Ras Elijah Tafari

Inside album cover for Midnite and Fifthson Records, “Standing Ground” by Ras Elijah Tafari

" Be Strong."

” Be Strong.”

" Mystery River "

” Mystery River “

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" On The Bomb "

” On The Bomb “


"Akae Beka 10 Heavens of Enoch,"

“Akae Beka 10 Heavens of Enoch,”







" Down Town Native Rose " 24"x 36"  Indian Ink and Acrylic. 400

” Art Flares in the Winter ” Newest Paintings and Originals.

Like a camp fire in winter, there are flames that resist the cold. In this time, it takes remarkable effort to not comment on the number of things that deserve comment. When being an artist, there is an intimate part of us that is silent and quiet, because our voice is thru our art. I meditate using art and tap into socially responsible subjects and issues, mindful that people need a healing. When creating, making art for a few is short sighted, making art for all including yourself is the big picture. When painting, I have multiple techniques and love combining styles, in which I will share some examples, beyond that is the effort into telling a story that in its repetition only grows. Part of that is making it so each inch is its own painting, there is a desire to make composition complete in micro ways. When viewing the art, choose any corner or piece of a painting and see that it is its own abstract piece. The healing is in the intention and the colors, it is in the desire to have order and chaos exist in a manner of harmony and contrast.

There are some paintings I cannot show at this point because they are being used for some great future Albums that are for a number of great musicians. It won’t be long, and there are some really cool pieces that are under wraps. Here are some of the newest works. I would also like to add that these originals are for sale, any and all sales are greatly appreciatloved. There will be discounts on prints this month as well, and I will be letting you know soon. Thank you to everyone who have picked up prints at any point!

Enough talk..here is the new works..

"Tapping In." 24x34" 300.

“Tapping In.” 24×34″ 300. This piece was done live downtown. Big up 3rd Eye.

" Lion Age " Acrylic and Indian Ink. 8x10" 150.

” Lion Age ” Acrylic and Indian Ink. 8×10″ 150.

" Down Town Native Rose " 24"x 36"  Indian Ink and Acrylic. 400

” Down Town Native Rose ” 24″x 36″ Indian Ink and Acrylic. 400

" Queenly " Oil. Inspired by the Rastafari Queens. 8x10" 140.

” Queenly ” Oil. Inspired by the Rastafari Queens. 8×10″ 140.


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"Selassie Planting" Acrylic and Indian Ink. 18x24" 375. Original for sale, rights have been purchased already.

“Selassie Planting” Acrylic and Indian Ink. 18×24″ 375.
Original for sale, rights have been purchased already. This piece was started in Oregon in harmony with the Akae Beka Show in Williams where it was the palette for the other joy-ting in the works. I think of  Oregon when I look at it as well as the Holy Message of Jah in the Itinuation of Planting the forests and trees. 

" The Kings Scroll Has Arrived " 24" x 34"  1500. Acrylic and indian Ink.

” The Kings Scroll Has Arrived ” 24″ x 34″ 1500. Acrylic and indian Ink. Literally just finished a hour ago. This will be a great Album Cover for someone and it won’t last long. 

Prints are available for all the pieces show above and free up and sent a message if you would like an original or a commissioned piece for you or a friend. Prints are 25.00 ( plus shipping) for 8×11, Bagged, backed and signed. If you would like the rights to publish the painting for an album cover or magazine please make a link. Lets make it happen.  Thank you for viewing and there is a more to happen, there always is…One Perfect Love. Rastafari.







Stan Lee Tribute.

Stan Lee. A True Believer in Art. One of the greatest.


There are no words that can describe the joy and imagination that Stan Lee brought this world. He showed me that one artist can change the world. Thank you for telling us stories and drawing art for us our whole lives, inspiring us to read and draw. He reminded me when I was young that some adults don’t forget how to be young and use our imagination. More than comic book lovers will honor you, you made the world turn to see an art form that so many looked down on. You will be remembered with the Great artists and creators of modern time. Thank you Stan Lee, and thank you Jah for Blessing him with 95 years of Life.
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Stan Lee Tribute.

Stan Lee Tribute.