New Prints Ready! Rastafari Art.

The First of many of the 2016 series to come forward. Some of these have been released on facebook,  but not in this clarity and detail. These are available only as prints in 8.5×11 especially bagged. (25.00 plus shipping) I hope you enjoy and check out the other color and black/white prints ready to be shared. If any one would like a special painting, feel free to “inbox me” (an email, ect)  Give thanks for Life. Perfect Love!  Rastafari is Everything.

“Elephant I.”  Acrylic/Indian Ink.

Elephant I!“The King and His Cubs.” Acrylic/Indian Ink

Acrylic and Indian Ink“Looking out for the Cub” Pencil.
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There will a lot more soon, meditations of Our Artistic Culture and Movement.

Selassie I.


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