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Sabbatical reasoning..We are all seeds that have increased yet we are not done growing. Some us water, some of us plant, but it is Jah that makes it increase. Inspired by the book Corinthians, the meditation of how we are seeds from Genesis to Revelations..we are plants..vines and roots..branches and buds..Jah speaks in farming terms, so we get it. Agriculture is a way of growing with intention, it is not the wild of is a seed that was planted with intention. That too is a seed planted with intention,..I have to appreciate the planter and waterer in 2 different a seed, when the planter put me in the ground I was hard and docile. Alive but dead..when the planter planted the seed what looks like a burial was an act of faith. I had no I idea I would be born again. When you bury the dead it is the same process, get a shovel and hoe and dig, but with no expectation of return. The seed is put in the ground with faith and expectation of increase. Though both look dead, InI the seed is alive..but it needs water. Water is that moment when you are jolted out of your comfort zone of hibernation..when your being rudely awakened..and when that water hits, it makes the shell weak and bust. The life within is breaking the bonds that hold it..the God within has a destiny whereby Jah is the Liberator. It wasn’t the waterer or the planter, it was faith that Jah will bring from that not seen, that which has not be revealed..that by faith, Life in Abundance. Greatness from within. If the seed doesn’t get water, it will die, if it wasn’t planted right it will die,..that is why our teachers are so important. The growing process is painful and traumatic, and neither is more important than the other. The Planter may be menacing and with a big shovel, and the waterer may be clean and pretty, but both will make you grow if you embrace them..go into the dark and feel the pain of waiting, thirsty, when the water comes, the cold of it baptism will make like a baby, your tears build your cry for your destiny to be.. For when Harvest comes, there will someone new there..with new tools, so that your bounty may be spread across the Earth. All of this is your destiny, for those of you who know your blessed, water, and let others water your blessing. For your fruits will increase knowing from what strain Jah has made you. For those who are roots still battling around rocks and hard dirt, spread out and reach up.. and dig deep,..stretch forth your hands and leaves to Jah..get that energy strong, for Jah made you to expand and increase in the faith that He is in the smallest of seeds. Give thanks for reading, hope it was a sprinkle of clarity. Give thanks for Emperor Haile Selassie I, who is The Power within the seed and the Planter that is The Root of Roots. Our Collective Destiny is One in H.I.M. King of Peace, King of the Sabbath. King and Prince of Peace, Father of the The Seven, Father and Son, and the Holy One of Iration, One Jah. Father of Eyesus Kristos. Be Holy and Humble for Jah has chosen Her to fill..From in the Mother, The whole Earth is filled with Jah, and Jah choose Her to put you in. She is the Holy One of Iration and give thanks for the Womb of our incubation, restoration, and spiritual revitalization. Revealed daily by the Earth that we walk on, teaches us, and whom is the vessel of Jah’s Marvelous fruits. That is all for now. Heart of Sabbath. Rastafari. King Emmanuel Present.

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