From Negroes to Africans in America.

Food for thought, His Imperial Majesty spoke of how the terms black and white should not be used to describe people, true, however this was in 1963 before Martian Luther King Jr was murdered. The people named them selves Black after the assassination to clarify who was willing to defend themselves. The Negro became one who was only a few steps from his abuser, The Black man is a reaction in the Struggle. It would be the Black movements that would renew our African-ness and would lead the realization for Africans in America that they are, were and will be Africans. The Term African American quickly replaced its negro title, and a middle class ideology came about as some sort of compromise. The term American basically means white, because it is not hyphenated, like native-american, -chinese-american- italian-american, ect… if it wasnt so, Natives would simply be called “Americans.” Black is an reaction and a source of power. One day we will refer to ourselves as Africans in America, knowing that this country doesn’t want Global Unity of Africans nor for us to make a simple common root- we still must strive. We must keep defining and redefining ourselves, all people. Until we have become that new race that can hold an alliance to humanity rather than nationalities.

Mystic River © 2014 Ras Elijah Tafari. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Mystic River © 2014 Ras Elijah Tafari. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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