Category Archives: H.I.M. Emperor Haile Selassie

H.I.M. Emperor Haile Selassie I and President Nassar of Egypt by the Nile.

Sneak peak at the some of the new works for the art show!

Egziabeher yemassagan, Glorify and Exalt Jah Name. Blessed Love, Give thanks. Jah Rastafari, Atse Haile Selassie First.

As an artist, time is often fleeting. I am excited to share the new works and show how the art is changing and developing. More impressionism and attention to backgrounds with an emphasis on landscapes.

At this particular time, having a broken arm, typing and describing the art is a slow process however the drive to paint has increased. So here is to less words and more visuals. The show will be running for a month, and there will special pieces to be announced that are exciting and unreleased work.

I hope you enjoy, inbox in the contact link if anything catches your eye. Brand new works for a brand new day.

From where we start and finish,

From where we start and finish.  24″x12″ $450.

H.I.M. Emperor Haile Selassie I and President Nassar of Egypt by the Nile.

H.I.M. Emperor Haile Selassie I and President Nassar of Egypt by the Nile.

"girl walking down stairs" 16x20"

“girl walking down stairs” 16×20″ $350.


"Rock Shadows"

“Rock Shadows” 16×20″ Acrylic $250.


" Priests on boat with Ark" 16"x20"Acrylic and Indian ink. $750.

” Priests on boat with Ark” 16″x20″Acrylic and Indian ink. $750.

" Under the Bridge" 12x12" Acrylic $250

” Under the Bridge” 12×12″ Acrylic $250


"The Truth" 36"x36" Acrylic and Indian ink. Original 2,500. Akae Beka and Pacific Vibration Single cover.

“The Truth” 36″x36″ Acrylic and Indian ink. Original 2,500. Akae Beka and Pacific Vibration Single cover.

"The King in Beige" 16x12" Acrylic 175.

“The King in Beige” 16×12″ Acrylic 175.

" Priest Praying" 11x11" Acrylic oand Indian ink, original 225.

” Priest Praying” 11×11″ Acrylic and Indian ink, original $225.

"Blue Elephant." Acrylic and Indian ink 11x11" original 200

“Blue Elephant.” Acrylic and Indian ink 11×11″ original 200







Lots more to come plus surprises. Hope to see  and hear from you. Jah Bless, Rastafari. Haile Selassie First.

Ethiopian Grand Canyon landscape. Acrylic and Indian ink. 24"x18". Not for sale, I like it too much. prints available.

Spring 2022 Art Completed. Give thanks for the Life Giver.

Lots has happen in the past 5 months, and its always easy to start with Art, here are some pieces that have been done, and I guess it could be considered the Spring Collection. These are the new pieces that I can release that describe the journey thus far. I hope you enjoy, Jah Bless and Keep you, May His Face Shine on you, Children, that we may be saved and redeemed.

Acrylic and Indian ink. Original has been sold

Acrylic and Indian ink. Original has been sold

This image Itrays when The Almighty formed us from the mud and gave us the Breath of Life. The two tree represent the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life.

Acrylic and Indian ink. Original available for 300.

Acrylic and Indian ink. Original available for 300.  ”Inna Medi”

Acrylic and indian Ink, 36"x18" 500. for the Original. " Uplifted "

Acrylic and indian Ink, 36″x18″ 500. for the Original. ” Uplifted “

"The Visions of Youth" 24"x12" Indian ink and Acrylic. 350.

“The Visions of Youth”
24″x12″ Indian ink and Acrylic. 350.


" The King of Zion " Oil, 650. Original Available.

” The King of Zion ” Oil, 650. Original Available.

" Herbs on the River" Acrylic and Indian ink, 24" x18" 250 for the original.

” Herbs on the River” Acrylic and Indian ink, 24″ x18″ 250 for the original.



" Simeon Mountains" In Ethiopia. Acrylic and Indian ink. 24" x18" 225. for the Original.

” Simeon Mountains” In Ethiopia. Acrylic and Indian ink. 24″ x18″ 225. for the Original.

" The Kings Springs" located in Arbaminch Ethiopia, where H.I.M. Emperor Haile Selassie I would wash. Acrylic and Indian ink, 700. for the Original and it is 24" x18" on Canvas.
” The Kings Springs” located in Arbaminch Ethiopia, where H.I.M. Emperor Haile Selassie I would wash. Acrylic and Indian ink, 700. for the Original and it is 24″ x18″ on Canvas.


Northern New Mexico. Indian ink and Acrylic, 4ftx2ft and it has sold. Prints available.

Northern New Mexico. Indian ink and Acrylic, 4ftx2ft and it has sold. Prints available.


The Queen of Sheba. Acrylic and Indian ink. its huge..and I think someone is getting the original. Prints available.

The Queen of Sheba. Acrylic and Indian ink. its huge..and I think someone is getting the original. Prints available.


Ethiopian Grand Canyon landscape. Acrylic and Indian ink. 24"x18". Not for sale, I like it too much. prints available.

Ethiopian Grand Canyon landscape. Acrylic and Indian ink. 24″x18″. Not for sale, I like it too much. prints available.


"Jordan Lion " acrylic and indian ink, sold. Prints available.

“Jordan Lion ” acrylic and indian ink, sold. Prints available.


"Batahwi" Oil. Prints available. Original Sold.

“Batahwi” Oil. Prints available. Original Sold.


Priest in Orange in oil. 36"x18". 900 for the original. Prints available.

Priest in Orange in oil. 36″x18″. 900 for the original. Prints available.


"The Scepter Shall not Depart" 48"x24" Acrylic and Indian ink. 1200 for the original. prints available.

“The Scepter Shall not Depart” 48″x24″ Acrylic and Indian ink. 1200 for the original. prints available.

As usual it seems I have a lot of work ahead of I, there is more art that hasn’t been posted and a lot to report. From new projects, Rastafari works, album covers, events and show, murals and more. Thank you for looking at the art, a glory to the Most High who is the force of existence. All Praises due. Rastafari Love. Good over Evil.










Pan Africanism Webinar NOV.2nd.2021 The case of Ethiopia today.

Pan Africanism for Defending Sovereignty in and of Africa:The case of Ethiopia today. 

In this time when many are celebrating Ethiopia and the 91st anniversary of the Coronation of Emperor Haile Selassie I and Empress Menen Asfaw, let us be aware that Ethiopia is in crisis. Let us think as Pan Africans about what we can do to see peace increase. We have seen Ethiopia be in arrested development due to poor leadership for decades, and we as Ethiopianists want to see the best for all of Ethiopia. Join us tomorrow Nov. 2nd for a webinar, presented by Defend Ethiopia Task Force Europe, and the Kwame Nkrumah Ideological Institute for a Pan African Presentation. Moderated by Mahlet Ayele Beyecha of Connect Africa Network. Our prayers, attention, words and actions are what is needed. Give thanks.

Join us on tomorrow’s webinar: keynote speaker: Teferi Melesse Desta, Ambassador of ETH UK and Ireland, Dr. Desta Meghoo, Laison to the African Union, Diaspora African Forum ( DAF) Nyave Yahaya Salifu, Executive Director, Kwame Nkrumah Ideological Institute, Mahlet Ayele Beyecha, Moderator Defend Ethiopia Task Force Europe. Tamerat Negera Feyisa, Political Commentator & Founder, Terara Network, Terara Network. Ras Elijah Tafari, Reform the United Nations Now, ( RUNN ) Representative, RUNN. Jeff Pearce, Historian, Investigative Journalist, Author, Independent Journalist. Pan Africanism for Defending Sovereignty in and of Africa: The case of Ethiopia today Great speakers are lined up to speak! 2nd Nov, @7pm (CET) @9pm (Ethiopia), 2pm (DC), If we want to go far, Pan Africanism is the way for all Africans!… ID: 884 2441 3218Passcode: 630192#EthiopiaPrevails #PanAfricanism #Africanunite #AfricanUnion



Summer Art Collection 2021. New Art to Honor the King of Kings.





Haile Selassie Blue and Purple








Coronation King Large

Big Coronation ORIGINAL SOLD.



Armenian ETPatriot

Emperor Haile Selassie I  Redwood Jahson


Free Your Mind. Uwe Cover




He Feeds Us All


He opens the cage

HE OPENS UP THE CAGEHIM in the square spiral





Today is a historic day, for Ethiopia it is the first elections in 16 years, and though it will not be perfect it is a step toward national democracy. I pray that Ethiopians at home and abroad work together to unify Ethiopia and turn a new page toward true national solidarity. It is an honor to share an interview done by the Honorable Jah Daniel for the African Liberation Network. We speak in depth about Reform the United Nations Now, and present a comprehensive outlook and letter to the Ethiopian Prime Minister and President of Ethiopia. This letter is endorsed by the House of Immanuel, The Rastafari Coalition and R.U.N.N. We are looking for more signatories and endorsements, please link if this is something you would like to be a part of.

Lots is happening in Ethiopia and what happens there will effect the rest of Africa and the World, including the UN. We reason on this as well, including the role of the African Union. I hope you enjoy the video, and we also reason on art, and the wonderful and powerful impact of VB Midnite-Akae Beka. I hope you find the substance worthy of consideration and sharing.




 A Nation-Wide Message on U.N. 23rd Anniversary.
On this day, the 23rd anniversary of the founding of the United Nations Organization is being observed throughout the world, and, as in the past, Ethiopia joins in the observance of this auspicious occasion.
The United Nations Day, which we commemorate today, has a twofold significance, for 1968 has been designated by the United Nations General Assembly as the International Year for human rights.
Not only have We opportunities in the past to explain the objectives and activities of the United Nations Organization, but We have also championed the cause for the strengthening of this same organization towards the maintenance of world peace and the raising of the standard of living of mankind at large.
Nonetheless, on the particular occasion which We have described as having a twofold significance, We would like to express our views specifically on the subject and content of the rights of man.
In the recorded history of man, there have always been periods at which man has risen to the challenge of the times.
At yet other periods man has taken time from the most pressing tasks of the day and paused to reconsider and reassess the extent to which the more fundamental rules of conduct which he has devised and laid for himself are actually being implemented.
Such is the year 1968 which has been designated by the General Assembly of the United Nations as the International Year For Human Rights.
If one were to visualize the history of mankind in its wider universal context, one may well find it to be essentially a chronicle of man’s struggles to assert and consolidate certain fundamental human rights. The concept and interpretation as to what these rights comprise have varied throughout history according to the prevalence of the day. But it is not inaccurate to say that the most all comprising concept of human rights ever enunciated by man is the one contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights made 20 years ago.
Yet, 20 years after the General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed and adopted the declaration just referred to, how far can we say today that the human rights enumerated therein have been unexceptionally respected or invariably protected the world over?
Repressive Apartheid
The persistently repressive policy of apartheid in South Africa, the recent criminal acts by the illegal regime in Rhodesia and the silencing by means of brutal violence of the voice of reason in the person of Mr. Martin Luther King and Senator Robert Kennedy can only emphasize necessity for all of us, wherever we may be, to redouble our efforts in our championship of the noble cause of the rights of man.
The fundamental ideas forming the basis of the Declaration of Human Rights stem from the recognition of the self-evident truth that the human person, created in the image of God, is invested with Human dignity, inalienable, inviolable.
The growing recognition of the fact that all men are members of one single human family, at the same time, impose on us the realization that this fundamental unity of mankind can grow and prosper only if it is based on freedom, liberty, universal justice, and world peace.
Human rights, as we know, are closely intertwined with the fundamental freedoms. The indivisible unity of these rights and liberties, under the protection of the rule of law, is the best expression of the highest aspirations of the individual and of mankind at large.
The member states of the United Nations Organization have reaffirmed their belief in human rights and fundamental freedoms and taken solemn pledges to protect and support these same rights and freedoms in every way and every manner possible. This faith clearly manifests itself in the charter of the world organization.
The first necessary step for the achievement of the above mentioned objectives, however is the fostering of understanding amongst peoples of the true meaning and significance of these cherished rights and liberties.
To that end, in Ethiopia, We have seen to it that during 1968 all appropriate measures were taken to realize the observance of the international year for human rights. We, therefore, instructed the relevant departments of Our government, as well other organizations, to implement the necessary program during 1968.
In this crucial period when the cause of human rights is handicapped by a variety of circumstances, we believe that paramount consideration must be given to honoring those organizations which have made outstanding contributions in fostering the rights of man, and such eminent individuals as the late Martin Luther King who have sacrificed life itself as a result of their advocacy of the cause of equal rights, that their own lasting interests are best assured in an overall respect for fundamental freedoms and liberties.
Since all men are born free and equal, invested by Almighty God with inalienable human dignity, it is only right and proper that the spirit of human brotherhood should reign supreme among all peoples who inhabit this planet, that differences of race, tribe, language, pigmentation, religion, or sect should not be made instruments of discrimination between man and man- for all men are equal before the law of creation.
The human rights and fundamental freedoms we have mentioned constitute the cornerstones of the constitution of the Ethiopian Empire. The original constitution We voluntarily gave to Our people was clearly based on these same rights and freedoms. But the revised constitution, while not departing from the permanent foundations, amplifies the greater relief and strengthens the human rights and fundamental liberties of the Ethiopian people.
Fundamental Rights
In the revised constitution of Ethiopia, the guardianship of fundamental rights and freedoms does not devolve on the courts of law alone, but forms an integral part of Our duties and responsibilities as Sovereign.
This fact alone testifies, bears witness to Our personal devotion and the high place We personally accord to the fundamental freedoms and liberties whose cause is being underscored throughout the world during the present International Year for Human Rights.
Nor is the cause of human rights something novel to the Ethiopian people as a whole. Throughout history this nation has jealously safeguarded its age-old freedom and independence, which are the essential ingredients of human rights.
We therefore trust that, following Our own example, Our beloved people will continue to comprehend and care for these cherished rights and freedoms, to have programs which have been organized in connection with the International Year for Human Rights.
We pray the Almighty to guide in his wisdom the world’s statesmen in their endeavor to strengthen the United Nations Organization, to foster good-neighborly relations and co-operation among states, to eliminate the cause of misunderstandings and ways from this planet, and to establish an enduring peace, to safeguard human rights, and to attain true equality by raising the standard of living of all mankind.
October 25, 1968
Watch video link in Amharic:


What did His Imperial Majesty say about UN reforms and survival.

A formal Invitation to Rastafari adherents from R.U.N.N. Reform the United Nations Now. 

Greetings in the precious Name of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie the First. King of Kings, King of Zion, The Root of David, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Power of the Trinity.
Our chief aim as RUNN is the removal of the veto power for the United Nations Security Council. We are a global non profit that pushes for education and pressure to advocate for a democratic United Nations where all nations have an equal vote, without any one nation able to veto or table a subject.
The following is why Emperor Haile Selassie the First encouraged the reform of the United Nations urgently. Why He stood for equality of vote, and why it is a matter of human survival that we move into action as swiftly as possible.

” Today the Great Powers should also wake up to the realization of the fact that the key to their own destiny and future happiness does not lie in their own hands alone. There is no peace without cooperation. Be it known that the principles enshrined in the Charter and the resolutions adopted by the Organization are not there only for the small nations to respect and to implement. In efforts being made to ease the gravity of world problems, the small nations should have a say. Their voices should be heard. An atmosphere of mutual trust and confidence cannot be established when the rights of small nations are not accorded the same respect as those of the Big Powers. In order to accomplish these tasks, it is essential to rouse the conscience of mankind.”
This quote speaks clearly to the fact that the UN needs reforms in order to have cooperation, without which there can be no peace. The King of Kings also speaks to the issue of an imbalance of respect for voice, and abiding to resolutions in regard to small and big nations. He finishes the paragraph with ” It is essential to rouse the conscience of mankind. “.. Not just those who work for the UN, but all of mankind. 
He closes that entire speech to the UN in 1965 June 27th, with these words,

“Once we are able to do what is humanly possible, the rest could be left to the Almighty God. So that man whom he has created in his own image may not be destroyed, let us repose our faith in God.”

Closing of UN speech 1965

We must do all that is humanly possible in order that we can leave it to God, and pray for His Mercy that we may not be destroyed.

In 1963 The Conquering Lion of Judah spoke to the UN saying, “Here, in this Assembly, reposes the best, perhaps the last, hope for the peaceful survival of mankind.” He reminds us that the UN and mankind’s peaceful survival are interlinked. By 1970 The Emperor of Ethiopia’s words called for more action and brought all three points together. That The UN is (1) validated by its principles and should be defended, (2) that it needs reform and this is a global responsibility through enacting reforms (3) that will be the determining factor in mankind’s collective survival or collective extinction.

” The choice of this age and the very future of our humanity is simple: collective survival, or collective extinction. When the stark choice is thus revealed in all its naked horror, dare we hesitate as to our choice? The choice we know; the means we can rediscover in a reinvigorated and mature United Nations. The will to act, and the courage and determination to implement the decisions we must take, matter. Let this session be the rebirth of the United Nations, and the reaffirmation of our faith in the ever-continuing validity of the purposes and principles for which it was established. A grave responsibility rests upon us: to ensure our own collective survival, and the future of unborn generations. May the Almighty grant us the wisdom, courage and determination to rise to this supreme challenge and reap a rich reward!”

Emperor Haile Selassie I, UN Address for the 25 anniversary.

We at RUNN are ready for the task and supreme challenge. Our reward is everyone’s reward, collective survival. We feel now is the necessary time to act and are building global alliances in solidarity with as many as possible. We are not a theological organization or a Rastafari organization. We stand united with all that advocate for the removal of the United Nations Security Council Veto Power, which is the first step to removing first class and second class membership from within the UN. We stand for Human Rights and Justice for All. Many of Us have been inspired by The King of Zion’s words, we believe in action and education over theological rhetoric. This is an invitation to those who are livicated to manifest Haile Selassie’s expressed aims and wishes on the world stage, and by this livity we prove that what He taught usis beneficial and useful to all.


We invite you to join us and learn more, we have 8 speeches made by His Imperial Majesty to the United Nations on our website. Please register there and we will reach out and discuss ways we can build. Many of those within the organization are Rastafari and we want to encourage and welcome our Rastafari family to a new movement that loves Emperor Haile Selassie I and seeks Africa’s place on the world stage, equal in rights and voice as any other nation.

Thank you for sharing your time, and we hope to hear from you.


Give thanks for all Jah has done, is doing and will do for us.

Power of the Trinity. One Jah.

Heart of Reinvigoration.

Ras Elijah Tafari

on behalf of R.U.N.N.

Reform the United Nations Now.



Nick Sefakis meets Elliot Martin of John Browns Body

New Musical Projects and Album Cover Art!

Greetings and Bless! Please to announce new projects coming out or just released:

Akae Beka The Draw

Akae Beka The Draw

Coming out March 25th and available on all musical platforms. Brought to you by Rebellion City Records via Bobo Rems. Seriously Powerful tune.

Sebastian Franks Hollow Ground

Sebastian Franks Hollow Ground

Now out! check out the video here:

InI wanted to make mention of those who should be acknowledged as we are inspired by their works, and that by their work that we can inspire others. When InI got the call from Jah Solid Rock Music I was honored to be included on this project and I loved the idea that came from the company. Many of us have a great joy and memory of iconic comics and covers, and he wanted I to make Jamaican super heroes to replace the iconic comic cover of Captain America and Falcon on Captain America issue 193. I thought it was cool and fitting for a blast from the past, legend Coxone Lloyd in an epic Trilogy Record burning Babylon down with his team of hero musicians! In that, I wanted and remember and acknowledge Jack Kirby, profound and iconic creative influence in many lives. He penciled and wrote that issue, and I tried to follow in his line work exactly as well as the colors on the original. The entire piece wasn’t included on the album cover, and the traditional manner of honoring the artist before was not seen. I wanted to honor the man right away, and give thanks for his inspiration and all those who made Captain America such a power figure in the imagination. In the comic world, we write “after” when we are doing a different version of a previous cover. I wanted to share the original and full piece, and a say humbly that this piece is after the Great Jack Kirby. Respect. 1917-1994…and still going. Big Up Jah Solid Rock Music, Ras Teo, Tuff Gong, and everyone involved and included. It will be epic because it will be ” SIR COXSONE CHAMPION SOUND!”

King of the Dub Rock 3

King of the Dub Rock 3


Album Cover King of the Dub Rock 3

Album Cover King of the Dub Rock 3  COMING OUT IN JUNE!!!!

Victory Fikir Amlak

Victory Fikir Amlak

Victory Fikir Amlak


Underwater Nick Sefakis and Elliot Martin of John Browns Body

Underwater Nick Sefakis and Elliot Martin of John Browns Body

Nick Sefakis meets Elliot Martin of John Browns Body

Nick Sefakis meets Elliot Martin of John Browns Body Out on All Musical Platforms now!

With lots more to come, including from Ras Teo. Check this tune, now out on Vinyl as well! Blessed Love!

Ras Teo and Pablo Gad


Thank you to everyone worked hard to put these testimonies out, as collective witnesses to the Greatness of Jah. I am humbled and grateful to be included in these worthy projects.

Jah Bless you all and keep you safe. Glory to the Father of Creation. Power of the Trinity.  Emperor Haile Selassie First.



Akae Beka RIGHTEOUS SYNERGY. In-depth:the message, music and art.

Greetings in the Name of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I, Jah Rastafari. Our King and Creator for whom we owe everything. For His Love is Everlasting and endures forever.

It is with a full heart we are proud to announce to the release of Akae Beka’s new album Righteous Synergy produced by Fifth Son Records. The listener will be moved and reminded of the memory within that we keep alive and takes us back millennia’s.  Akae Beka brings a heavy message that brings the meditations to approach the task of redemption. His melodies carry the truth and message that is sensitive and focused. The deliberations into every note, and the accompaniment of the instruments make this work a musical and a lyrical gem.

Akae Beka Righteous Synergy album cover.

Akae Beka Righteous Synergy album cover.

The Cover represents a number of topics, and to share a few, is the space in which His Imperial Majesty stands. The fountain are His Words that Bubble up… this bubble up is both in the region of being underwater and in the heavens of space. Within that dynamic is the birth of HIM on the rising of Sirius ( July 23rd ) and the day that countless cultures hold in reverence. What is called the “Dog Star” Sirius star system is mapped out above His Crown. He and the Heavens align with where Ethiopia and Native tribes link with the Leo Constellation and Sirius Rising in many cultures including the natives in Chaco Canyon, NM.  The King of Kings is both a reflection of that which is seen and unseen. He holds the World in His Hand as She holds the moon in Her on Earth. Reflecting the sun that He moves by His Fingers. Bringing forth children of the son.  Whaling out..Reflecting on the book of Ester, “She became a Queen” on this album, touches on the plight of being a refugee, and how the fate of a people lay in her ability to accept the call from Jah that would jeopardize her safety. Accepting the tides of what will be.

This act of faith, travels, in the joy-ting and on the album. The song, ” Manger ” takes us up to the pyramids as a geographic location, in order to know that the basket, representing the manger is not at its destination. That it is going further north east toward the North Star. The reason a basket was used is because like a turtle it carries memory and still it was the same grass that Christ had to flee too, in a very similar situation, where from birth the government that wanted to kill him. That the reverberations of the God Man on a holy mission, is like the grass laid down in a manger for us and Christ to rest in.

” Covenant Ark ” is represented by making a clear unity of different races by the  4 women with children, representing the four corners. Above the woman on bottom left are the priests carrying the Ark of Covenant.  There are also Native Americans standing together on the bottom right on the cliff above the women who are looking to the Ethiopian Emperor. Displaying Heart, rather than a John Crow heart, the lowest form of humanity .

At one point, it was thought we may release the tune, ” Do my best ” as a single. In that moment, I was asked to make a piece of art in 2 days as a single cover. It was decided it would be best to not release the single, and the piece went on the inside of the album. You can listen to “Do my Best” right here, and that will help ones understand this piece more throughly…“Do My Best” Akae Beka Righteous Synergy.


The album for many reasons had the feeling of the deep in it, it has joy and sorrow, looking at life as a people, as a collective. The energy of be renewed and rebirth, through the water, of the Holy Spirit, brings the immensity of being in this experience by invoking the ocean. Our connection to the creatures of this planet is a link to Jah, from the smallest to the biggest. As well as the bones and souls of our ancestors and that be reborn again. ” The Spirit of Love ” takes us there. As Akae Beka touches on how we take for granted the toil and pressure that makes us alive. He also speaks on the power of Quietude  to see in contrast to making no sound. It is a powerful and humbling tune that seemed to keep my emotions balanced while we worked on this endeavor.

The back cover was done with oil, and had been released previously. It seemed to feel proper, and have the orderly nature of honoring the works of everyone involved. Honoring The God of Ethiopia, the roots of humanity and the home of the Ark of the Covenant. Igziabeher, Atse Haile Selassie, The Power of the Trinity.

Every song on this album has shaped the art and InI meditations, each song is powerful to the gut. I pray we hear the message and exemplify the care that the Hon. Vaughn Benjamin worked to bring the world. Give thanks for everyone who worked so hard to make this album happen, notably Juaquin Wilson of Fifth Son Records, whom has been diligent and vigilant showing everyone respect along the way.  The following are the credits and the back cover of the vinyl record that will be coming out soon.  You can get more information and order a hard copy album from 2021RecordartAkaeBeka

In a tradition that goes back several decades amongst some reggae artists and DJ’s, is to have a quote from His Imperial Majesty on the CD tray. The following is the full quote as well as a photo of The Root of David, Emperor Haile Selassie First, The King of Kings and Conquering Lion of Judah at His Coronation Nov.2.1930. This photo, though there are many that were taken within the same minutes, has not been published to my knowledge. I acquired them by accident when purchasing a package of old photos taken in Ethiopia from Ebay. It was a small photo, 1×2″ and I will include the original below. I doubt that the film exists, and I wanted to share a little about the photo and how it came to be on the cd tray.

Original photo of Emperor Haile Selassie Coronation 1x2"

Original photo of Emperor Haile Selassie Coronation 1×2″


Back of Coronation photo

Back of Coronation photo: ”  The King leaving cathedral after his coronation. He is in the rear with the ball.. ( still?) in his hands. (underlined) The old man (?)  in front with glasses is the one who inducted the service. Y(?)…? Church.”

Cd Tray:

Akae Beka Righteous Synergy CD Tray

Akae Beka Righteous Synergy CD Tray

The full quote of His Imperial Majesty’s words to the United Nations in 1970:

“The choice of this age and the very future of our humanity is simple: collective survival, or collective extinction. When the stark choice is thus revealed in all its naked horror, dare we hesitate as to our choice? The choice we know; the means we can rediscover in a reinvigorated and mature United Nations. The will to act, and the courage and determination to implement the decisions we must take, matter. Let this session be the rebirth of the United Nations, and the reaffirmation of our faith in the ever-continuing validity of the purposes and principles for which it was established. A grave responsibility rests upon us: to ensure our own collective survival, and the future of unborn generations.

May the Almighty grant us the wisdom, courage and determination to rise to this supreme challenge and reap a rich reward!”

October 24, 1970.

The Final Testament: the Important Utterances of H.I.M 1963-1972. Research Associates School Times, 2010. Page 514.

If you would like to read the full speech, and learn about Reform the United Nations Now    (R.U.N.N.) please go to :

Emperor Haile Selassie I work Itinues. Give thanks for the honor to be able to be included on the works and in the journey. We send Our heart felt love to everyone in Vaughn Benjamin’s family, and to everyone in the Akae Beka band.

I pray Jah guide and protect you all. Rastafari Bless. In the Name of the Power of the Trinity One Jah.

Ras Elijah Tafari





Announcing The AFRIKIN Art Exhibit, February virtual show!

Grateful to be included, AFRIKIN, a non profit organization based out of Miami, Florida, has lead years of events to help educate and innovate African Culture across the globe. For the month of February it is a privilege to share an art exhibit brought by AFRIKIN to the world virtually.

This is the first virtual show I have ever had, and it is set up the same way as if you were walking around a gallery. There will be 24 pieces on show and some will be accompanied by poetry. Others will have explanations about the painting and an insight into the process.  The pieces were chosen special for this show, and are a mix of new and old pieces, some that are published and some unseen. I hope you enjoy, and if anyone would like to work on a project and collaborate please feel free to link.

Tune in starting February 1st:

Jah Bless, and Give thanks.