Africa Unity is Our Strongest Tool.

Ask yourself, if Tribal Warfare was the problem in Africa and is, then why no one says European Unite!? I mean all of Europe.. There is constant fighting and attacking of Europeans at home and abroad than any nations by Europeans. They have brought there Tribal War-fare throughout the world and fight with each other on lands thousands of miles away. Is that not Tribal warfare. What about the Germans attacking the French, and the Russians. We are in the midst of European Tribal War fare every day. That is why there is not one song still that glorifies all of Europe as United, nor to Unite. That is why no one has a necklace of Europe around their neck, contrast that to Africa. NOW, Name one African Leader who says he is against African Unity… Not One. Even the most corrupt that do not want it, still will not say it. That is because THE PEOPLE have countless songs and cries for Africa to Unite, that we created all languages and they are tools for us to listen and learn to each other. Not to divide. Something to think about, Out of Many We know we are ONE.


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