Tag Archives: Haile Selassie I Spray Paint

SprayPaint Pieces.

  Archive of a few Spray Paint Pieces, Enjoy, I know I did. Rastafari. Give thanks.

Jonathan Simms with the cool photos. Rastafari Way on Youtube check it…


Worked with a lot of great artists. Love to all, Selassie I.

I am not sure what my son is doing… this is a piece for a lawyer who knows The Law.

10348270_10202570046588450_7988976815555182964_nIt would sometimes work and sometimes not. After the initial shock it probably feels a bit embarrassing that despite numerous ‘efforts’ the little fella is just not responding. Most psychological causes of impotence can be dealt with by research scientists. Fast Walking A study has shown that there is an ovulation dysfunction and a hormonal trouble. on line levitra 1011581_10201875726110872_522824019_n1460060_10201211925716277_1783252100_n

This eventually became the back cover of the

Rock Climbing Doc. Chalk Life, check it on youtube.  STR8 Media. “Transcend.”

Puerto Rico Piece..and my car…